Time Out Surgical provides surgeons, medical device representatives, and facility coordinators with seamless, closed-loop communication, providing precision and control in surgery scheduling, loaner sets and sterile-packed items, and case coverage.This enhanced and streamlined communication reduces risk, eliminates loss, and brings peace of mind to all parties involved – ultimately ensuring the best possible patient care.SURGEONS• Quickly choose required implants per procedure from a menu of approved items• View contents of every tray that is processed before each case• Choose a preferred rep for each case and can see when that rep has checked into the facilitySURGICAL FACILITIES• View in real time when sets are checked in, documented, and precise storage location• Coordinate vendor with each case using EMR integration• Optimize Supply Chain efficiency and productivity with technology-driven complianceMEDICAL DEVICE MANUFACTURERS• Reference required implants per procedure, per case, quickly and easily• View a comprehensive history of implants and sets used per facility, as well as usage history• Utilize a daily dashboard showing sets to drop off and upcoming cases• Maximize productivity with a Case Calendar for each work day